Return Policy

Return Policy

    1.1. s 0 e s  is committed to fair trading practices as well as the principles apprehend in the Consumer Protection Act, Act 68 of 2008 (‘CPA’) in all dealings with our consumers.
    1.2. s (0) e s acknowledges that consumers have certain specified rights in terms of the CPA as well as in terms of the common law in their dealings with s (0) e s including the rights of consumers to return goods to s (0) e s in certain specific instances.
    1.3. This policy sets out the circumstances in which you can return goods that was bought at s (0) e s – explanation:

    The reasons for which goods can be returned.
    The period of return of all goods bought from s (0) e s.
    Duties on s (0) e s and the consumer when goods are returned. 

  2. All goods bought from s (0) e s have 7 (seven) days only return policy from delivery to return of the goods, provided that you meet the requirements of this policy.
    2. Rules applying to the 7 (seven) day Returns Policy:
    2.1. 1 You can only return the goods within the 7 (seven) day returns period if the goods are supplied with a defect or supplied not working, point 7 below under title Returns must be followed.
    2.1.2 To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging unopened, and boxes need to be without any damage.
     s (0) e s will have the right to decide if it will take an item back, which was bought incorrectly, s (0) e s may ask a handling , fee based on percentage of the product value . Normal handle fee will be between 20-25% of item cost.

 s (0) e s will not refund the customer but give him a credit for the balance in a case base point 2.1.2

2.2. You will not be able to return the items during the 7 (seven) day returns period if:
Negligence from the consumer side, wrong installation, accidental damage, item installed and used without professional installation. No proof of sign- off by registered electrician or green card holder for solar installation, and COC registration for installation is not available.
s (0) e s  will have the right to decide if it will take an item back, which was bough incorrectly, s 0 e s may ask a handling fee based on percentage of the product value. Normal handle fee will be between 20-25% of item cost.
 s (0) e s will not refund the customer but give him a credit for the balance in a case base point 2.2.

3.1. All goods sold at s (0) e s carry a manufacturer’s warranty of at least 12 (twelve) months from date of sale or date of delivery (the later date of the two dates) against defects.
Uni 5 Solars (550W) 12-year Warranty for materials and Processing.
25 -year Warranty for
Extra Linear Power Output
JA Solars (550W) 12-year product warranty.
25-year linear power output warranty
Inverters have a 12 month warranty
Batteries have a 5 year/6000 cycles warranty
If the goods show a defect during the first 12 (twelve) months after you purchased the goods or the goods were delivered to you (the later date of the two dates), we will gladly send in for repair or replace the goods, or if you prefer a refund, we will refund you the price you paid for the goods when proof of payment is provided and proof of Installers details and COC is provided.
If at any point you request us to repair goods outside of the manufacturer warranty period, we will always provide you with a quote first and obtain your authorization before we start any repairs. Repairs are done by a third party which s (0) e s will approve for repairs.
If the defect in the goods was caused due to your abuse as consumer, fair wear and tear or your negligence, the warranty will no longer apply, and you will not be able to return the goods to s (0) e s. Accordingly, you need to make sure that you use and install the goods appropriately and that it is installed by a professional installer and a COC is obtain.
You will also not be able to return any of the goods to s (0) e s if you did not follow the instructions or use the guidelines in any other printed material that we provided to you in connection with the goods, or if you used the goods for a purpose other than what it was intended to be used for, or if was not installed by a professional (green card holder for solar installation)and registered installer.

If you suspect that there is a defect present in the goods, you must return the goods to us as soon as reasonably possible after you detect the defect. It is advised to immediately contact your installer also to report any defects.
You must immediately stop any further use of the goods to limit the damages to any of the goods.
 s (0) e s will investigate the matter and run the necessary tests on the goods to determine the reason for the defect.
 s (0) e s will communicate their findings to you within 14 (fourteen) days after they received the goods from you after it was tested.
Return of goods will be at the cost of the customer, customer will be responsible to get it safe to supplier office in Radiokop, without further damage to goods.

 If we delivered goods to you that you did not order, or the wrong quantity of goods, we will collect or send the correct quantity to the consumer as soon as reasonably possible, after you have informed us with proof of the incorrect delivery or quantity of our mistake.

If you wish to return goods to us for any reason, we may require that you provide us with the proof of purchase, copy of the delivery note for us to determine and confirm:
That you bought the goods were bought from s (0) e s
The date the goods were bought by you.

No cash refunds will be made by s (0) e s.
You will be refunded subject to the law and in the same way that you initially paid for the goods, either by credit card or EFT.
It is your duty to provide the correct banking details to us in writing and s (0) e s will not be liable to you if s (0) e s made payment to an incorrect bank account provided by buyer or it representative.

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